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버스 정거장 정보

Xingguanghui (Former Mopark)

실시간 운행정보 제공
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: Section fare, whole journey for ¥3
종점: Renhe (Everest Energy Charging Station) Bus Terminal
Guangzhou City University of Technology Bus Terminal06:00~21:00
종점: Guangzhou City University of Technology Bus Terminal
Renhe (Everest Energy Charging Station) Bus Terminal07:00~21:00
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: Section fare, whole journey for ¥3
종점: Jianggao (Xiahe Lu) Bus Terminal
Guangdong Peizheng College Bus Terminal05:45~19:30
종점: Guangdong Peizheng College Bus Terminal
Jianggao (Xiahe Lu) Bus Terminal07:30~21:30
운영업체: 화두버스
운임: ¥2
종점: Zhanqian Lu Bus Terminal
Just Industrial Park Bus Terminal06:30~21:30
종점: Just Industrial Park Bus Terminal
Zhanqian Lu Bus Terminal06:30~21:30
운영업체: 화두버스
운임: ¥2
종점: Chengdong Parking Lot Bus Terminal
Guangzhou City University of Technology Bus Terminal06:30~21:30
종점: Guangzhou City University of Technology Bus Terminal
Chengdong Parking Lot Bus Terminal06:30~21:30
운영업체: 화두버스
운임: ¥2
종점: Tuanjie Village Bus Terminal
Huzhong Children's Hospital07:00~20:00
종점: Huzhong Children's Hospital
Tuanjie Village Bus Terminal07:00~20:00
운영업체: 화두버스
운임: Section fare, whole journey for ¥3
종점: R&F Gold Harbour City Bus Terminal
Huzhong Children’s Hospital06:30~20:00
종점: Huzhong Children’s Hospital
R&F Gold Harbour City Bus Terminal06:45~21:30
운영업체: 화두버스
운임: ¥2
종점: CSCEC Chair One Bus Terminal
Xinhe Village Bus Terminal06:30~21:30
종점: Xinhe Village Bus Terminal
CSCEC Chair One Bus Terminal06:30~21:30
운영업체: 화두버스
운임: ¥2
종점: Jinghu Industrial Park Bus Terminal
Huadu Autocity Bus Terminal 06:30~21:30
종점: Huadu Autocity Bus Terminal
Jinghu Industrial Park Bus Terminal06:30~21:30
운영업체: 화두버스
운임: ¥2
종점: Maxi Bus Terminal
Huadu Children’s Palace06:30~20:00
종점: Huadu Children’s Palace
Maxi Bus Terminal 06:30~20:00
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: ¥2
종점: Guangzhou North Railway Staion (Xiuquan Dadao) Bus Terminal
Shiling Bus Station06:00~21:00
종점: Shiling Bus Station
Guangzhou North Railway Staion (Xiuquan Dadao) Bus Terminal06:00~21:00
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: ¥2
종점: Xinya Sub-district Office
Furong Resort Bus Terminal07:45~19:45
종점: Furong Resort Bus Terminal
Xinya Sub-district Office06:30~18:00
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: Section fare, whole journey for ¥5
종점: Xinya Sub-district Office
Guangzhou–Qingyuan Industrial Park (종점 Xinya Sub-district Office)08:30 and 17:30
Xingren Bus Station (종점 Xinya Sub-district Office)06:20~19:40
Chini Hospital (종점 Xinya Sub-district Office)06:00~21:30
종점: Guangzhou–Qingyuan Industrial Park
Xinya Sub-district Office (종점 Guangzhou–Qingyuan Industrial Park)06:30 and 15:00
Xinya Sub-district Office (종점 Xingren Bus Station)06:00~19:20
Xinya Sub-district Office (종점 Chini Hospital)05:50~21:30
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: Section fare, whole journey for ¥5
종점: Xinya Sub-district Office
Xingren Bus Station06:10~17:40
종점: Xingren Bus Station
Xinya Sub-district Office07:10~19:20
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: ¥2
종점: Sunac Huanghuai Lu Bus Terminal
Lihong Lu Bus Terminal06:00~20:30
종점: Lihong Lu Bus Terminal
Sunac Huanghuai Lu Bus Terminal 06:30~20:30
운영업체: 부도객운
운임: ¥2
종점: Bus Terminal at Guangzhou North Railway Station
Yishan Village Bus Terminal06:45~21:00
종점: Yishan Village Bus Terminal
Bus Terminal at Guangzhou North Railway Station05:50~20:00
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: Section fare, whole journey for ¥5
종점: Bus Terminal at Guangzhou North Railway Station (Xiuquan Dadao)
Datang Central Square Bus Terminal09:00~17:00
Datang Industrial Park (Limugang Market) (종점 Bus Terminal at Guangzhou North Railway Station (Xiuquan Dadao))08:00~20:00
종점: Datang Central Square Bus Terminal
Bus Terminal at Guangzhou North Railway Station (Xiuquan Dadao) (종점 Datang Industrial Park (Limugang Market))06:00~18:00
Bus Terminal at Guangzhou North Railway Station (Xiuquan Dadao) (종점 Datang Central Square Bus Terminal)06:30~14:30
운영업체: 부도객운
운임: ¥3
종점: Yayao Xincun Bus Terminal
Jinbi Yushui Shanzhuang Bus Terminal07:00~21:00
종점: Jinbi Yushui Shanzhuang Bus Terminal
Yayao Xincun Bus Terminal06:20~20:00
운영업체: 부도객운
운임: Section fare, whole journey for ¥5
종점: Zhanqian Lu Bus Terminal
Northern Vanke City Bus Terminal07:00~18:00
종점: Northern Vanke City Bus Terminal
Zhanqian Lu Bus Terminal08:30~20:00
운영업체: 광저우버스그룹-화두항통
운임: ¥4
종점: Renhexu
Shiling Zhenxing Village Bus Terminal21:20~00:00
종점: Shiling Zhenxing Village Bus Terminal

날씨 정보

체감 온도 28℃
상대 습도 77%
대기환경 좋음 20
PM2.5 11
남풍 2급
가시거리 30km
잠시 후 날씨
구름 많음
구름 많음
요즘 날씨
오늘 밤
금요일 04/26
폭우 / 비
토요일 04/27
비 / 호우
현재 날씨는 QWeather에서 발표      현재 날씨 정보는 중국환경감측본부에서 발표
마지막 편집자: Lam (2022년 03월 29일 16:54)
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